Posted on 6/22/2023

Summer season has a arrived and I don't know about you, however I am itching to travel and see fun new places. I personally am a gypsy (traveling over 35,000 miles a year in my normal every day life). The question I always ask myself is.. do I drive or do I fly? My brother John always says a few things to me... 1. What car am I driving? I tend to drive older vehicles (because I put so many miles on them) and they may not be the best option for cross country travel. So consider the vehicle. Is it comfortable to be in for 8 hours a day? Is it fuel efficient? Do you think it may break down somewhere in the middle of no-where? If this is a possible scenario -- is this part of the adventure you are willing to have? I personally have had many, many crazy adventures of tracking down parts in small town USA. If you are driving your European car... this can be a real challenge as most small shops across th ... read more
Posted on 5/11/2023

Here are seven car care tips that you must implement to get through the rainy season without any car damage. 1) Keep track of tire pressure Roads start to deteriorate during the spring snow and rainy season drastically. To ensure that your tires do not fall flat due to potholes and other highway hindrances, you must always keep track of the tire pressure. Check your tire pressure every two weeks. 2) Wires and battery care Another important car care tip is to get your wires and battery checked. Electronics never do well anywhere close to wet or damp conditions. Therefore, it is desirable to get your electric connections as well as your battery recharged before you take your vehicle out on a rainy adventure. During the rainy season, you tend to run out your battery faster since the wipers and lights are constantly working. It is important to have your battery charged fully before parting for a short or long-term journey so as to avoid g ... read more